Custom Needles
Deflected point Needle - The deflected needle features point positioning on the axis of the needle lumen. This improved point geometry provides easier penetration and minimizes coring and tracking (particularly with finer gauge needles).
Cancer Implant Needle - Needle provides simple procedure to obtain and implant tumorous tissue cells beneath skin of lab animals for observation while maintaining a sterile field
Cass Needle - Side port needles with smooth rounded tip with side holes.
Four radial holes. Used for throat anesthesia.
Matched point set needle
Type 304 stainless steel needles with stainless fitted stylets (obturators) with matched bevels
Nickel plated needle lock hubs and obturator (stylet) caps with matching serial numbers
All hubs are nickel plated and comply with ISO 594 specifications
Point of needles aligned with flat of hub; hub slot and cap guide aligned with point of needle
Micro Dispensing Needle - The needles are available in stainless steel or ceramic to handle a wide variety of material chemistries and dispense volumes.
The precision needles have a reduced fluid volume compared to standard threaded types, resulting in cleaner dot dispensing and finer line capability. A taper at the end of the nozzle prevents fluid from wicking and building up on the tip.
Micro Emulsifying Needle - Micro Emulsifying Needle is widly used for mixing of oil based liquids or any two liquid media differing in viscosity. By locking two syringes on to the double hub needle or double hub adapter, two liquids such as a mineral oil and an emulsifying agent may be readily pumped between the two syringes to produce a uniform mixture.